while i was away......

Pole sana mungich, your people from muranga have started regrouping and killing cops.

Pole sana kwa msiba @jaymoh

Mungiki iliisha, hao ni business community

Pole kijana

Nope watu wanasumbua wote wanatoka kandara na kangema.

Then deal with anyone who is against peace.

Iza Jaymoh. It is well

pole mzito

Pole kwa msiba

Pole boss, be strong.

izaah Jaymoh

Some have already been dealt with ruthlessly and firmly two weeks ago.


Pole kwa msiba mundu wa ihwagi

My condolences

Pole kwa msiba buda.

Pole kwa msiba

Pole ndugu

Sorry for your loss. May dad RIP.

Pole sana