Who is Punished for Sins?

Why am I seeing this today?:frowning: singemind…
I also agree that JC died for all our sins.
Past and present and future.

" That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have an everlasting life."

myyyyy fren, if i clear your debt at the bank, and you go borrow again and default, am I going to clear it for you again?
No. that’s what they call “grieving the Spirit”. Then again you;re human and you’re bound to stumble. That’s ok as long as you get back up.
“Therefore shall i sin more because I have grace?..”
Remember the story of the woman who was about to be stoned? Jesus asked her
“Is there no one left to condemn you?” She said “No”
Jesus responds, “Then I will neither. Go…” Can you tell me what Jesus said after this? :slight_smile:

And the angel deemed it fit to write the history about the descendants of Isaac down the generations and hand it over to their blood enemies the Arabs? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D.
It’s like handing the history of the Shona to the ndebeles or of the shiny eyes to the dim ones. A very wise decision.

:D:D:D:Dnever saw it that way but you’re spot on

“Will thou washeth my eyes before thou leaves?”

you were busy being tuned huko in your inbox you dont even see alerts:(

Jesus was a master of doublespeak. Telling people that let who is without sin cast the first stone, but then again never saying that adultery is not punishable. Politicians achana nao.

Seems you don’t your Bible well, Jesus said:

“Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” Matthew (21:43)

Lest you forget, the Arabs and Jews are brothers through Ishmael and Ishaq.

You clearly read only what you want to read. Go read that statement that He made then come back after you’ve read it all.

:D:D:D:D Muslims will always attempt to use the Bible to justify their Kuran. Never the Kuran for Kuran.
Wewe Ishmael alifukuzwa na akaambiwa he will be a wild donkey of a man with his hand against everyone and everyone against his. Hakuna matunda hapo.

Seems Gabriel didn’t know the history of Ishmael and his lineage to jot it down for the perusal of his descendants?
What you have just quoted was used to justify the Roman rule and Catholic as the state religion. And seems the Moslems too.

We use the Bible to drive a point home, we Muslims have no issue with the line of Prophet hood, because unlike most Christians we accept all the prophets, again I’m tempted to quote the Bible when you say this

You forget verses in the Bible that promise that Ishmaels descendants will be blessed, now you see why we quote Bible verses when replying to Christians? It’s your word against the Bible you believe in.

The Qur’an is not a story book, how will knowing the lineage of Ishmael benefit me.

How does the lineage of Isaac, whom you have accepted as prophets benefited you?

i was about to ask that q in long form.