Why Does Kenya still use the British Shilling?

Well, we at least we have Mpesa…
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Now I know you are just Ignorant.
If British English means English belongs to the Brits with no due regard to the history, then the Kenyan Shilling is by equal measure not British in any shape manner or form

I won’t be shocked to hear one day that safaricom trademarked the word “Pesa”

Not true, they had the longest rebellion, but GEMA was the most hostile.

Read up on your history, the COLONIALISTS disproportionately targeted GEMA. Not Nandi, not LUO… GEMA

Them’s just the facts

The Nandi rebellion had been quenched long before whites settled comfortably into the country, by around 1906

Malisa hio kipìi

Unashindwa kupata shillingi unafikiria zikiitwa kenyan doras ndio utaziget?


I read his response and didn’t even bother wasting my time
Guy probably believes jomo kenyata fought in the trenches with other freedom fighters

Even pesa is portuguese. Don’t be foolish

You were exposed as a faggot here a few months ago.
Nobody takes you serious on this site.
Enda ubadilishwe diaper we msenge

:D:D:D:D:D not me laughing at all the times I’ve had my emails or any formal documents corrected by an American who thinks I’m having a problem with spelling because I don’t spell things how they do it over there. For heaven’s sake, those guys even say they can’t understand me because I have an “accent”. And I don’t!!!

Who is this guy???

Another villager has noticed your ignorance and quoted the document where Kenyans agreed/consented to use the Kenya shilling.

However if you personally feel that you dont like the kenya shilling you have two options:

  1. Stop accepting to use the shilling completely. You can decide to only use dollars. Enda pale I&M bank, buy a dollar only credit card and be using that card for all your transactions (ata kwa supermarket). Meanwhile sahau kununua vitu kaa mutura, muguka, etc as the sellers only accept shillings and in cash.

  2. Hama nchi and go to a country where they dont use the shilling. Hapo google will tell you which countries dont use shillings.

In the meantime soma katiba ya Kenya you educate yourself on all the policies you consented to (doesnt matter if you voted or not)

This is such an unnecessary conversation. How does it help ifwe change our currency to something else we come up with ourselves? How?

Other than some misguided sense of “ownership”, what else do we stand to gain?

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

@Poker Face @Matapiko

I’ll educate you on the matter, rather than suffer you to expose your ignorance further.

Kenya became a British Colony (Initially it was just part of a protectorate) in 1920… that was 14 odd years after the Nandi rebellion had been quenched.


Next time get your fucking facts right shit head

The British introduced it to this part of East Africa and made it legal illegally, we all know jomo kenya was a homeguard so I know why you’re over here trying to change facts

if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it


Yeah right Because the Nandi knew the difference between a colony or a protectorate, sindio?. They invaded their land and they were met with the fiercest opposition by them not the muratina gulpers. Here you are again trying to backtrack on the stupidity you wrote a few posts above

Of course. They made up 25% of the population.

Africans like you are the reason your countries suck, a simple google search would show you that loanwords no mean a mixture.

And therefore, Mr. pseudo historian, this makes GEMA the only outfit that fought the British settlers, while other tribes were collaborating “without resistance” as you asserted before?

Certainly not. It only proves that some communities began fighting the colonialists long before your GEMA chieth became woke.

Your argument was that we did not consent to the Kenyan currency, which is in the constitution!!!

Second, have you ever seen the original currency introduced to Kenya? Is it the same one we use?

Even your own screenshot says the currency changed from the Monarch issued currency to Kenyan currency… SMH

Don’t rewrite a convo that is available to all my fren

The argument was that KIUKs were the most home guards, I said they were equally the majority of the opposition. I pointed out that some communities collaborated wholesale. That was to point out the misplaced judging of the KIUK BECAUSE OF THE HOME GUARDS WHEN some communities collaborated without resistance

And I said some tribes, which is factual… I never even suggested that only KIUKs fought. I just pointed out the fact that they were the most hostile to colonial rule. The evidence is all of colonial history that points that out. The evidence is all the targetting and disproportionate abuse the KIUKs faced