Why marry if one will cheat?

Looks like brilliant replies until you realize what you’re referring to isn’t what the OP is talking about.

The OP is not talking about or meaning ‘why would someone do something yet it will end’

He/she is meaning why keep something yet it has no essence; it’s not working. (Why keep something which is not working yet the thing is preventing you from looking for an alternative). Why stay in a loveless union which forces you to cheat? Or why even enter one in the first place? That’s what he/she means.

And of course there are reasons why someone would opt to stay in such a union assuming it’s a case of a healthy marriage which later turned loveless (instead of marrying another person or divorcing and having other partners)

In some cases someone would opt for a loveless marriage and ‘eat outside’ because they don’t want to go through the hassle, embarrassment of a divorce. In other cases, it’s because of the kids etc.

But most of the time people ‘eat outside’ because of other various reasons ranging from just stuff like it’s available and not because they’re in a loveless marriage

Any open marriage or such a thing needs to be discussed earlier.

If you can not meet someone’s needs like you’ve said for a wife traditionally people were expected to live with it. But in the modern world people date before marrying. So if a woman finds a man can not meet her needs she should either look for another guy immediately or if she is considering an open marriage she should say it upfront before anything official is made.

I agree there with you on open marriage.

marry fr the same reason you keep a cow yet you know you can buy milk from kiosk any time

People marry for social validation purposes. I mean your marital status is a status. All your friends, enemies, relatives, colleagues etc want to know if you are married. You have to show them you are married.