Good one…hii hekaya yote summarises my man!!! :slight_smile: But he doesnt Ferk whoever…just me; I hope:(

Thank You!

He ferks you in his mother’s house:eek::eek::eek:?

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aiii where does his mother’s house come in now?

He wasn’t from nyeri.

Because they are always too drank to think or walk straight

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Because they are always too drank to think or walk straight

Then cut off his legs becaose they cant stand not his dick …Mind you if it was an eye for an eye we would all be blind

This i disagree with you. Though shall not kill, but everything else is on point

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The offence once proved attracts life imprisonment. Murder attracts the same sentence.

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all worthy pursuits if you ask me…@the local touching base on the trending cash adventures and a campus slut for rare ball emptying excersise…