Yellow Yellow

White man kitu gani si ni maasai na cushitic admixture. There’s no significant white DNA in Kenya because they never settled here for any significant amount of time.

I’d like to see mentions, or even pictures of very light skinned bantus as the white man documented them when they arrived. Surprise! There’s none. Not even mentions in stories about fair-skinned peoples among the rest of the population. In fact they would have made people wary of abnormal skin, thus taboos and other bullshit would have arisen i.e. how albinos are generally treated. Cushites are brownish, that would only result in brownish, not light-skinned people. The white man did a lot of seeding.

Black and white pictures ndio unangoja zioneshe watu brown? Halafu albinos are too different, their hair is white, their eyes are pink and they don’t like the sun, your comparison is moot. By the time the white man arrived lots of bantu tribes were already inter marrying with nilotes and cushites so why would there be any special mention?

Nah, black and white still can show the difference between a lightskin and a black person

There aren’t any mentions because they never existed

This is hate speech. Bantu hair has nothing that suggests mixture with whites.Bantu are original Africans. Others are Sudanese and yemenis.