IDI Amin

Conqueror of the British Empire. the only African President who double crossed Israel, for the sake of his country and its economy. he never looted anything, and maintained no bank account. Castro broke relationship with Israel due to Idi Amins speech. No other African can match

OK. Build him a shrine.

He was an idiot. Dude fucked over UG mpaka wa leo hawajawahi recover

how now?

Feed your head.

World politics is not easy, I would rather have a leader that bends over and gets ass fucked by all the super powers resulting in some sort of development for his nation rather than one who loves entering dick measuring contests with much superior nations which in turn stands only to bring misery and poverty to his people. What did Idi Amin gain from all that now look at what Uganda lost…

How have you benefited from your masters licking colonizers ass? Debt and more debt nigga. For your info, there is NO big difference from poor Kenyans and poor Ugandans.



There’s a price to pay for everything. Tembea Africa you will realize Kenya is doing a little better than many of our African brothers. Take for instance Somalia they fought the Soviet , USA and even banned Israelis from their country. Look at the state of the country now… Arm wrestling with nations that have had continuous development and modernisation for centuries is not a good idea, at least not now.

Hilarious but true.

That nigga did no good for his country and his people. He was a ruthless dictator both at home and away. Plus he created a lot of enemies abroad which only led to the deterioration of UGs economy.

  1. Paranoid as a false hyena, he purged all men and women who exceeded his IQ of around 72.

  2. Totally out of his depth in Economics. Destroyed the economy by gifting private property and businesses to cronies.

  3. His toothless military bragging and provocations led to his defeat by TZ-supported rebels.

Hahahha yaani there is someone trying to sanctify the deeds of the guy.Those who teach history are terribly failing in their work.

Dude @byro is right of what use is a leader of a nation licking colonizers ass!? Think of a country as a company which has physical resources, human resource, share holders and other factors of production. The right way of “making profit” is by utilizing all this factors of productions effectively to have something of value so that you can trade with others and make profits. Why bend over for colonizers so that you can get grants and help when you can make a conducive environment for them to bring you money as tourists (just one example) The reason Somalia failed wasn’t because it didn’t lick ass…

Without whites africa would be nothing. The mineral resources you’re fighting over today were all discovered by whites, the agriculture industry was also set up by them. If mzungu hadn’t shown you how to implement modern agriculture you’d be starving.

Dude, you are comparing Kenya with a Warring nation? Why not compare it with a non colonized country like Ethiopia and talk about it?
Let me take you back to history you wont find in your western influenced books.

Media came into play regarding Amin’s rule. Amin’s significance in the 1970s was more positive in international affairs than in domestic affairs. The degree to which the Third World was ready at times to forgive his domestic excesses provided he remained in resistance to the mighty, was indicative of a major moral cleavage between the Northern hemisphere of the affluent and the Southern hemisphere of the exploited and underprivileged(rem cold war).

When Jimmy Carter rose into power in US, with him came human rights policies. His proclaimed crusade for human rights in different parts of the world turned out to be a continuation of the ideological battle between the Soviet bloc and the West. So, instead of proclaiming himself anti-communist, he embark on more positive, normative crusades of favoring civil liberties, the satisfaction of basic human needs, and the promotion of liberal values and compassion. Implications this had a bearing on southern rulers like Idi Amin.

I can go on but something i always praise him for is The expulsion of the non-citizen Asians in 1972. It destabilized the economy for a year but the event laid the ground work for the emergence of a Black Ugandan business class. Idi Amin Empowered Ugandans to manage their economy.
Kenyan major businesses mostly are foreign owned!
An example with ongoing demolitions; of Asians saying they control the economy and they can halt production for a while. Ugandans, albeit corruption, manage their own destiny. Thanks to Amin.

I of the believe that there is no one who is completely evil as to lack some goodness in him.


Go back to school, Ugandans suffered and continue suffering even today, all due to idi Amin regium !

south African is “developed” but the economy is in foreigners hands. they are slaves in their own country. hapo ndio tunaelekea. we will be slaving in industrial parks in athiriver and eldoret, working for indians and Chinese, slaving in flower farms in naivasha, kenya gets praises as a leader in cut flowers, karuturi is enjoying his money abroad, in naivasha its more slaves, more prostitute’s. when the kenyan gdp grows, it means the wealth of indians and less than 100 kenyans who own the economy has grown, while millions of kenyans have slid back to misery

Calm down before you go around praising white men…
Haiti, once called The Jewel of the Antilles, was the richest colony in the entire world. Economists estimate that in the 1750s Haiti provided as much as 50% of the Gross National Product of France. The French imported sugar, coffee, cocoa, tobacco, cotton, the dye indigo and other exotic products. In France they were refined, packaged and sold all over Europe. Incredible fortunes were made from this tiny colony on the island of Hispaniola.
How could Haiti have once been the source of such wealth and today be the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere? How could this land that was once so productive today be semi-barren? How did “The Jewel of the Antilles” become the Caribbean’s hell-hole?
[li]THE FRENCH COLONIAL CONTRIBUTION.[/li]One of the primary reasons that Haiti was such a productively rich land was because of slave labor. When people are willing to put productivity above all other values, then productivity is likely to soar. Not only did the slaves work long days under tremendously unsafe conditions, with little or no technology beyond hand labor, but Haiti’s slave system was the most brutal in the Caribbean. Many documents of Western slavery explain that the ultimate threat to a recalcitrant slave was that he or she would be sold to Haiti.
Unfortunately for the masses of Haitians, slavery did not die with French rule. Rather, the basic concept of forced cheap labor was passed on to the emerging native Haitian elite. The French system allowed for some slaves to earn their freedom by exceptional work. This system worked well to get more productivity from the slaves, and the system was tough enough that very few slaves were able to earn their freedom. Thus slave owners got increased productivity with little loss of slaves through freedom.
A second group of slaves who became free were the mulattos, the children of white masters and slave women. These children were in a middle ground, uncomfortable to both slaves and whites. The slaves never knew how the white man would respond to his child, but often the slave owner didn’t want to be reminded of his paternity. Thus mulattos were not welcomed in either community. Many mulattos received their freedom and formed a special middle class in the colonial period.
A special class of freed slaves emerged. About 1/2 of them were freed black slaves and about 1/2 of them were mulattos. They could receive some education, operate businesses, own property and in general imitate the French.
This imitation of the French became the hallmark of these freedmen. They wanted a clear separation from their slave backgrounds. Thus they imitated the whites. They adopted their religion, language, dress, culture, education and ways. But, most importantly for this story, they learned the value of slave labor. The colonial French heritage carried on in the Haitian elite’s imitation of the French labor system. This is an important factor in Haiti’s later misery.
[li]INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT OF THE NEW HAITI.[/li]After the revolution which concluded in January, 1804, Haiti became the second free country in the Western World (after the United States), and the first black republic. However, the United States was still a slave nation, as was England. While France had freed the Haitian slaves during the revolution, France and other European nations had slaves in Africa and Asia. The international community decided that Haiti’s model of a nation of freed slaves was a dangerous precedent. An international boycott of Haitian goods and commerce plunged the Haitian economy into chaos.
It is difficult to measure the exact impact of this international conspiracy. Here was a nation of ex-slaves trying to rise to democratic self-rule, rising to run an economy in which the masses had only served as slaves before. The international boycott of Haitian products at this time was devastating for Haiti’s long-term economic development.
[li]THE FRENCH DEBT OF 1838.[/li]The Haitian governments were extremely anxious to be recognized by France and the Europeans. But France would not recognize Haiti unless indemnities were paid for lands of former slave owners taken over after the revolution. Finally, in 1838 President Boyer of Haiti accepted a 150 million franc debt to pay this indemnity. This debt plagued the economy of Haiti for over 80 years and was not finally paid until 1922. In the meantime Haiti paid many times over 150 million francs in interest on this debt. It is difficult to measure the incredible harm which this did to the Haitian economy, but by the most conservative measures it was extremely significant.
[li]THE UNITED STATES OCCUPATION OF 1915-1938.[/li]Perhaps the most serious blow Haiti ever had to her independence and self-image was the occupation of the United States Marines in 1915. The marines took over control of the collection of revenues, the banks, and forced through a new “Haitian” constitution which repealed the 1804 provision that foreigners could never own land in Haiti. The U.S. decided who would and would not be government servants. The only factor of Haitian life which seemed to escape U.S. domination was education. The elite’s identification with French culture was too strong for even the marines to overcome and the schools remained French in language and structure.
[li]POST WORLD WAR II UNITED STATES DOMINATION.[/li]The occupation ended in 1934. However, the U.S. presence in both the economy and internal government affairs was well established. Ever since the occupation and increasingly since 1946, the United States, through the power of its aid packages, has played a central role in Haitian politics. In this way the U.S. has contributed to the misery of Haiti since it has given oppressive governments comfortable aid packages which kept these rulers in power. The United States was not interested in furthering Haitian misery itself, rather this is the price the U.S. has had to pay to keep friendly governments in power so that American military, propaganda and economic interests could be served. The result may well have served the interests of U.S. control in the region, but the issue here is the cause of Haitian misery. U.S. backed governments have certainly been a major factor in this suffering.

Enyewe we’ve lost it…Idi Amin? That is who we want to idolise as some kind of African hero? I give up, kabisa kabisa!