Of Alfa Mails and Red Peels - my thoughts

First off lemme say I’d never have known about these cults had I never joined this forum bcz as you all know I am conservative so my interest leans towards faith based and scientific reading material. Rather than the political like topics on racism, sexism, ageism and the like bcz these can be very subjective and emotive to follow or discuss. Injustice is part of life, it need not embitter you or make you hateful towards others, life is too ephemeral for that. Happiness and success is the best revenge not radicalization and retaliatory hate.

I prefer Criminal psychology, deviant psychology, developmental psychology but pop psych not so much. Enuff abt me. Below is my commentary on MRMs.

The most destructive of influences on young men in our modern society is alfa mails, better males, red peels and gays going their own way dogma which is a staple in this online community.

Day in day out, the place is inanudiated with one man upship btwxt male members to prove who is more of an alfa mail than the other.

The nexus of these male power groups is turning all love into a linear conquest-based video game.

By simply cobbling together scraps of pre-war fascist ideology and half-baked, long-debunked evolutionary psychology - and packaging it in language that sounds vaguely military so these boys turned alfa mails won’t feel unmanly for needing self-help books and step-by-step guides just to prey like hyena on the injured, damaged and vulnerable, so that these bunch of lost boys can imagine they are some kind of warrior.In an imaginary war that begun in the west when sexually frustrated, financially and
aesthetically challenged males came together in solidarity, to lay claim on ‘hot’ females who had been rejecting them using psychological tricks to manipulate said women. The result became a lethal cocktail of misogyny and entitlement to access to said hot femmes, irrespective of their own attractiveness to said ‘hot’ femmes.

Unfortunately it turned tragic, when some of those who didn’t get the hot ladies, unable to come to terms with the fact that women have agency and can still reject you even if you follow the 500 rules of alfa mailness,went on killing sprees to teach these terrible women a lesson for rejecting them.

Blatant lies are regurgitated about how women are programmed to REALLY ENJOY feeling unhappy! By genes or something! That women are naturally PROGRAMMED to take great delight in a cycle of abuse that drains the joy out of life.

All men have to do is use women’s trusting, kind nature against them - like a Karate black belt defeating an opponent half his size - and the manipulative bitches will be defeated by their own loss of hope.

The so called alfa mails regale each other with stories of how they crushed souls and are leaving behind a trail of broken, used and abused women in their wake. The more ruthless the tale the greater the accolades and veneration.

The other pillars of these demonic cults are enemification and objectification of women as a faceless entity to prop up fragile self worth of boys in grown men’s skin.Hence the acronyms AWALT meaning all women are the same. The disdain for holy matrimony ordained by God, labeling it a slave plantation. And ridiculing men who want to be in monogamous marriage as better males suffering from idealization of one woman(unicorn) , what they call oneitis. Buzzwords are key to building solidarity in any cult as we all know.

The abdication of the male roles of provider, protector, father and husband in favor of the eternal Peter pan man whore, all in the name of emancipation is extolled as the holy grail of manhood.

Various lies and double standards are used to brainwash these confused chaps into demonizing and demeaning women beyond redemption. Of course a measure of superiority is gained by putting the other group down irrepably. Much like the Tutsi of Rwanda were the inyeze or cockroaches in the buildup to the genocide and the Jews vermin during the Holocaust. It is difficult to harm, degrade, exploit and abuse anyone when you share a common humanity. So a huge part of enemification is dehumanizing labels such kunguru, mzoga, nyoka, kitu connote the ‘superiority’ of the one doing the labeling.

The first key fallacy is that women can not love men or be loyal to them, as much as men can love women. Meaning women can’t reciprocate and their love is circumstantial at best. Because men supposedly love women in the way women love children. Of course every one of us knows that adult relationships are need based unlike parent child relationships where love is unconditional. So even though men cannot love women unconditionally, these men feel entitled to women’s unconditional love and loyalty at par with a woman’s own children. Talk about unreliastic expectations and magical thinking. Your wife or gf can not love you like your mother for the simple reason that you are both adults now. The idea that love ca

The other fallacy is that women are hypergamous meaning that they are social climbers. Human nature is such that there’s an innate drive to do better or to upgrade. Men want the most attractive woman they can get and even feel entitled to it. We see men leaving their wives for younger, prettier women. It only became a problem when women want the same thing, to have the best man they can get be it financially or in terms of physical attractiveness or successfulness. When women refuse to settle for less if better is available. It’s not exclusive to women, it’s human nature to want the next best thing. This brought in the narrative of the woman who dates very wealthy and or good looking or powerful men in her prime then settles for less when she can’t obtain commitment from the alfa mails she dated in her youthful years. However this narrative applies across the board. Many men settle down with average looking women after dating and perhaps being left or disappointed by stunning women who were their first choice but might have been too high maintenance or too much on demand . Also with age comes maturity to look beyond superficial qualities like stunning looks in a partner and desire marriage friendly qualities such as reliability, stable finances, compatibility in terms of culture and ideology on life.

For majority of people their twenties are experimental years. Since the previous years are spent largely in schooling and under parental watch. So in early adulthood the intoxicating mix of freedom and no responsibilities lead many people both male and female experiment with drugs, alcohol, partying, relationships with the opposite sex and sexual experimentation atyms bordering on promiscuity. These however are perilous years where many have gotten hooked on drugs and alcohol, lost lives through drunk driving, suicides and homicides bcz of failed relationships , gotten HIV, unwanted pregnancies, abortions. Name it. Unless one is grounded in God, it’s easy to get lost in those years. Unfortunately this movement has also used that phase to demonize women, the promiscuity, maybe single motherhood resulting from that experiment phase is a big pillar of the movement. The rationale behind this pillar is that these women are fallen and irredeemable women who are no longer worthy of a serious commitment like marriage. A lot of unsavory pejorative labels are placed on these women particularly single mothers. These movements ostracize these women scathingly.

The next pillar again a fallacy, is on the natural proclivities of women towards promiscuity. Basically saying that all women are sluts, will cheat on the man, will sire children with other men and the like. The logic behind this pillar is that the chastity of women is a facade to avoid social backlash in terms of being branded a woman of loose morals, but innately women are promiscuous if there was to be no repurcussions. From observation women have a peak at their sexual debut and a couple of years after but tapper off with time. This would explain why a woman can be very sexually active perhaps in the first years of relating or marriage but taper off after having kids. While men’s sex drive remain constant. These movements allude to the man being beta as the reason for the woman losing interest in sex in marriage after being very sexually active before marriage with the hot or rich alfa mails. In actual fact female sexuality is affected by hormonal contraceptives, child bearing, breastfeeding, work stress, the fact that house hold chores, child rearing and many other demands that weigh heavily on mostly women leave them too drained and exhausted for sex. Men are more prone to visit sex workers both male and female. To have indiscriminate casual sex and to engage in risky sexual behavior. Male sex drive is super high in comparison to the female one. Gay men who are not sex workers can have sex with upto 30 different partners a day and have had upto 500 sexual partners in 5 years from sexual debut. For women sex is a means to an end not an end in and of itself.

OK those are the ones I remember hizi zingine nimesahau.

Why are you so bitter Makena? Kwani umemeza bitter lemon¿

Makena na promise kusoma ukiwacha nikunyonye maskio ya Fallopian tubes


Ggina you must have been typing this shit while sitting in the club.

Hehehe, i always find it very funny and strange when women try to justify why they deny a nigga sex after popping one or two kids. The tragedy of monogamy at best.

Harry Truman you are one bitter biatch! Nunua Triatix umeze!

Mwenye ataweza aweke cliff notes hapa.

Feminists triggered red pill awakening in the west. That wave is unstoppable. It will keep tearing through every nook n cranny of male fraternity moaka kwa vijiji.

Wacha leo nijitolee kusoma. If it is within my understanding nitaweka summary.


Alpha males,mgtow and red pills mnadanganywa/ mnajidanganya. And I agree with Makena on this. Lakine essay iko incomplete haijaweka conclusion and recommendations.

Red pill si uongo. But is true many mgtows wanajidanganya.

I don’t think you should be calling me bitter for giving your small brain an alternative way of looking at this nonsense you believe to be the truth. Bitter bitch is the woman who gave birth to your ugly and retarded sorry ass.

Enyewe to address some levels of stupidity you need to have an altered state of consciousness.

Andakinderewe I kaeje. I fell asleep.

MGTOW is not based on nature. It feels gayish and that’s why it has never taken root

Take time and read a book or two on evolutionary psychology, then we can have a discussion but basing a whole essay on rumours and feelings… I don’t understand why women are against redpill movement if anything it makes men better.
As much as I appreciate the effort to give your opinion but to me redpill has just took the well known mating strategies which has been clearly documented in evolutionary biology and biological mating strategies which are universal across various biological species.
This knowledge like any other tool can be used for bad or good ie rekindling sexual life in marriage hence responsibility lies on the person using the knowledge not the idea itself.

I think kama kuna mtu amemeza bitter lemon is this your fake cult and it’s members. They’re the ones killing women for rejecting them. Always bitching about women 24’7. For me nikiona unanisumbua I simply kick you to the curb kwani are you the oxygen na Nina kusahau, I don’t start a crusade of complaining and hate ration while still putting up with nonsense . I just move on. But bcz you are weak you can’t live without women or without sex or without kids then you should be man or woman enough to vumilia like how watu huvumilia kufanya kazi kwa muhindi, you hanker down and accept your fate. Lakini weak people kazi ni kuongea shit 24’7 about something that they don’t want to get rid of. I don’t complain much about men bcz IRL I don’t put up with their nonsense so I don’t get to experience all these nasty stories women complain about. They were cheated on, infected with diseases or dead beat dad situations. Lakini every thing is simply a matter of choice, if you are not happy with something remove it from your life OK? Rather than keep bitching about it as if you are a child? You are the ones who need to stop being bitter. Kuongea shit about women 24’7 is not going to help you. Saying no to abusive and exploitative relationships is the best way out. Sio kushinda mukitusi Wana wake hapa like small boys.

As I’ve said in my short essay they’ve all being debunked. First off I don’t believe in evolution bcz I am not an atheist so… Where have I expressed rumors and feelings? Pls quote and I will bring tangible evidence to ascertain my point of view. I’ve just based it on observations IRL. As people become older they bcm wiser, more self controlled and even godly. Like Bible says, when I was a child I thought like a child, neurologist will tell you prefrontal cortex in humans are not fully developed before late twenties and early thirties. That would explain the irresponsible behavior of most young people so Pls let’s just talk facts ok?

Ask a gynecologist, most family planning methods kill female libido.And they also have side effects that affect health Also women can not compartmentalize like men. Boss akimstress, mtoto awe mgonjwa, househelps anataka kuenda, the woman comes from work and has been on her feet till bedtime, while the man has relaxed, eaten, channel surfed. Do you really expect such a woman to be turned on by bedtime? So stop being biased and look at the facts b4 blaming women for things beyond their control.