A bed shared always shared

yeah, and we can’t help it.

I have explained from a spiritual view …you are talking about a physical perspective , which is “I like the shag/sex from so and so ,which is fun no strings attachd”

Am explaining "why do i keep or find myself going back to a certain partner for sex " in a spiritual perspective

An ex is called an EX for a reason! It doesn’t matter whether they were fucking good in bed or not! When am done with you am done! However, if married and desperately need a fix… I suggest you get a shag mate! No feelings, no nostalgic memories attached to the romp and most importantly you can dropped them like it’s hot when hubby/wifey comes to his/her senses!


That is fine and I understand your view point. But if there was anything I learnt in my orientation classes in church (yes, I went :D) is that when explaining anything from a spiritual point, especially as a christian, you should always back it up with the bible. Hence my asking for a relevant citation

am reformed, been celibate for six months

from Mars?

Kindly refer to this article


Hahaha… 6? Celibate is not the term to describe your situation!

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@Purr_27 are you a Canon, or Mother Superior?

hahaha am slowly getting there

Women tend to replay memories…guys can’t…tend to focus on new pussy…

From Rwanda ama Ethiopia

I still have my reservations about your sexual sanity…or handle…Thought process is more of a guy…

I am no scholar but from what I have read, the author is freely interchanging the words marriage and sex in the Bible verses mentioned to make their case.
Take the phrase “join in flesh” and substitute (paraphrasingly) in those bible quotes and you will get two different meanings.

totally uncalled for!!!

Let me clear that up…am a sexually liberated woman!


Wawawa poleni wanted to upload a different Pic

@ol monk n @Deorro is it ok to outright insult someones religion …??? as above

Lakini please let’s rid ourselves of these paranoid beliefs… Surely let’s not kid ourselves, this spirit nonsense is pure hogwash…what’s the difference between this and the masturbating hand getting pregnant shit?
Or a poko from sj who services 20 guys daily doesn’t she have a lot of spirits around her? When jesus admonished the prostitute he never mentioned such… Pure fiction, paranoia and imagination

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I apologize madam. As i said earlier, I have lots of such stuff and when i uploaded, i did a mistake