A Patriot's Letter to H.E Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, EGH, C-in-C. (long read)

Not really mnati. There are defense mechanisms that require common sense only. Like excavating a trench around the camp, and maybe rigging the same with land mines. Quick and an immediate impediment to those vehicle bombs. We support our government and our military, and are genuinely affected when those boys are slaughtered by a.s. let the generals take some responsibility, if the command channel is not working, do something about it.


What do you expect when police bosses are still procuring that useless stick they swing for which I find no use in the 21st century. If they cannot think strategically about what useful modern equipment a police officer needs while on duty only to issue one with a stick for swinging, do you expect these bosses to lead any successful operation. To date police stations which should be the benchmark s in terms of security do not have even basic CCTV cameras. When prisoners escape or the station is attacked we are left to guess what happened. I’m sure this scenario plays itself also in the military


You want to tell us Kenya’s annual military budget is less than bob conmemore’s monthly salary!!! Awuoro!

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Kenya’s annual military budget is 8milli only?
38th blogger hata facts hauna?

Ahem… Land mines are banned by the UN :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


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That is an error. It should be 843 million USD per annum. Still peanuts compared to USD 2 billion for a B-2 bomber. Thanks.

Thank you.

The nonsense above illustrates where Guka, who can write much better than @kyuktothecore, got his raw material. Rumours, demeaning descriptions of our fighting men, implausible plots such as an IED hits your camp and you go to fry eggs, etc…

There are people who, ever since the campaign began in 2011, have alternated between calling for withdrawal and expressing deep condolences long before facts of incidents are known. To them, it is a political prop and they wish to see Kenyan bodies piled up high, POW’s begging for mercy before they’re beheaded, and black flags flying amidst wrecked APCs.

Guka, do not be their scribe.

The other way round, Israel are the invaders. Another thing it’s hard fighting men that desire death, the way we desire life, the young men fighting for AS ultimate aim is achieving martyrdom, how do you fight that?

The Taliban has proved a difficult task for the great US of A. You don’t fight ideologies militarily, you’ll keep going in circles for God knows how long.

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The men are brainwashed through ideology. So it takes another ideology to fight them. Find every weaknesses of al kebabs and use it against them.

The other year, al kebab was appealing to youth to join the camps by claiming that there’s a lot of food to feed them, including game meat, so they should not fear joining due to limited supplies of food rations (the skinnies kusema kweli huwa hawali). That is just one angle we can use to fight them through ideology. If you break the myths behind the ideology pretty fast before the youths are convinced, you can stop the exodus to magadishu.
Think about it: Why would the guys be appealing to youth by using food as bait? Someone must have been hitting them pretty bad on that front.

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Or start rearing pigs there, watahepa

You’re entitled to your opinion, as am I.
My opinion of KDF is that they’re not doing enough to prevent these attacks. For sure, the army has killed thousands of these terrorists, but the minute you allow them to kill Kenyan soldiers and capture it on tape, then upload that video on the internet, it rolls back a very huge chunk of your success. That’s all everyone remembers, that over 100 Kenyan soldiers were massacred at El Adde, it won’t matter if you tell them that for every Kenyan soldier that has died, 1000 Al Shabaab terrorists have been dispatched to their 72 virgins.
While you bury your head in the sand about these operational inefficiencies, I will shout at the top of my voice. In the hope that our government and those overfed generals will be shamed into doing something about it. I’m speaking up for that soldier who’s in Somalia, who encounters these inefficiencies daily but cannot speak his mind for fear of being court-martialled on treason charges.
If that makes me a traitor then so be it.


Si, if you are one of the generals, just give us the vital information you believe we lack. Facts are facts.

NV keti hapo, hapana quote elders ovyo ovyo.