alternative Middle Class living @purr_27....very long read

@msalame grace this depends on how much money and luck you have on your side and not purely on the route you decide to take. A good example is most of our local celebs, they associate with all the mighty and who is who in Kenya but at the end of the day most of them are seriously struggling to make ends meet apart from a few lucky ones

Decisions, decisions, decisions…ain’t easy. Notwithstanding all other factors in play that we have no control over.

@Grace, if this is original you have a gift. Trying to figure out who i’d rather be.

Being a little carefree is good. Why be all serious? Childhood should extend into adulthood a little.

Yeah, this narrative assumes a lot. Had a luo neiba who lived the “in the moment” (whatever that means). The guy died of cancer suddenly n the family left behind could not even pay bill ya stima. Everything has it’s limits - the risks & the caution one takes. Also, 4 most the house/land will be one the largest investment they will make in life so any sound financial advisor will tell u starting earlier will save u a lot of heartache later. This narrative is a view held by women - saddle urself with loans so that u can keep up with Kamau next door bila kujua Kamau alinyonga nani to drive that machine.


No one hates cars. We love them. Only dont let them make your life difficult.

You cannot dictate what your life will be like no matter the level of your discipline. You always need some luck.

Kukuwa smart kiasi na kujienjoy aren’t mutually exclusive madam. Personally, I think it’s all about balance.

you have spoken like ten men!

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The Mwawasis are not on loans…in fact maybe Jimmy is the one on construction and sacco loans for building his houses…Instead of buying land Mwawasi chose to invest in Unit trusts, and CBK bonds…he might be very liquid…if something happend to him and he dies his life insurance policies will kick of and would take the family through the rough patch…and plus the wife is working as a lawyer…look at Jimmyy all his savings and investments are in land which does’nt have titles…life insurance maybe ni ile tu ya employer…investment in financial products…zero

Your analogy is very flawed in many ways
1.You are assuming that all things are immune to changes in circumstances and economic shocks in the long term
2.That the life expectancy of any man is 50 that’s a true lie
3.If you are looking for class in life then in your later life you will suffer alot if you sources of income cannot maintain your class

The only way to succeed in life is to risks while you can i.e like starting a business while you are young and make sure you learn all the hurdle and this will assure you of future that is “bright”.

mawasi is just lucky and still paying rent but jimmy will have left alot of assets to the kids they will never suffer

Quite on point

makofi makofi makofi…ungekuwa karibu na mimi ungepata kashot i say… The ptoblem is when you tell this analogy to people, they just cant get it. They are stuck in the middle class thinking of the 80’s. Mimi nilinunua gari striaght from campo ka levin, which got me to places and got older peeps to respect me and not have fear doing business with me after all sina njaa… Moved to a classy hood and the frienship connections i made opened up my thinking. To cut long story short, i have many established connections that has seen my husstle grow day by day and the illusiuon i create of doing really ewell helps alleviate confidence in me to attract more business. Sasa niko na hizo plot za jimmy na sijengi because that means i will only limit my life to such hoods. I am aiming for karen and will get there but not by living like jimmy.

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Very good , the other article was about middle class guys who are living beyond their means but cannot back it up…with savings ,
investment ideas,financial discipline and end up with no financial freedom resulting to frustrating livelihoods

So let me get this…these two guys are getting the same initial salaries

[li]Mwawasi parties, clubs, out of town trip dates,dresses the part dates women with his extra income and enjoys life of being a single young man with a job just as he had dreamed of while in campus…Jimmy saves every penny so as to finish buying the plot and to be able to start contruction…other than watching football in the neighbouhood pub over the weekend no social life at all[/li][li]Mwawasi connects with fellow campus mates doing really well in private sector…expandes his professional circle…makes the right friends and biz relationships in business,investments and finance…starts and investment club with his friends. Jimmy joins a chama with his close tribes mates to make investments in land…[/li][/ul]

and yet Jimmy can live this expensive lifestyle and invest in Unit trusts and bonds , but his expenses will take more than 3/4 of income o_Oo_O…not adding up
what will he save ???

If you ever read Rich dad …poor dad book, the simple rule of financial freedom is minimizing your budget (expenses) as your income increases and re investing
this money …

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i agree with u.

  1. I have learnt that the best investment a man can make it the children he has brought up. There are many rich dead men whose empires are crumbling down.
  2. This life is not a rehearsal. Dont go hungry today because of tomorrow. As some has said your children and wife will not appreciate with the sacrifices you have made, but the quality time (read homework) you have had with them.
  3. I went to a good secondary school where were with children from that middle class. I have come to see that those guys are much better now because they were exposed earlier than us and their parents had better connections which helped their children in their careers.


  1. take your children to the best school you can afford.
  2. Leave in a good neighbourhood.
  3. Have a side hassle which will compliment your salary and grow with it.
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It all goes down to luck, lets say today you are a nobody just stepped out of campus and attained the best grades. You check out your campus mate Lijoodi who is from a well off family while you are from an ordinary family struggling to make ends meet. You envy your friend’s lifestyle and decides to live like him. Questions:

  1. Where do you get the money to start living like your friend
  2. How long will it take you to make enough to live in this fantasy while your parents and sibling who look up to you are still wallowing in poverty back in the village (remember your father had to sell his only piece of land back in the village to see you through campus).
  3. You get a good job but waste all the income partying and enjoying life as your rich buddies.

Seriously, you can never dictate the course your life will take. You can only influence and make the right decision and pray some luck come your way.


Too much switching back and forth. Nimechanganyikiwa who did what when where and why?
In short najua mmoja alienjoy life and had connections, mwingine aliyumiriria life na akajenga kapuroti. Id rather kuwa the former.

Although my script would read slightly different. Nikipata job ya gava ata 30k nachukua, let alone 70k. Reason, gava hakuna performance contracting na uko na all facilities. Nikiwa uko natumia all the extra time kuiva programming, naunda app, probably an m-something. Maybe itasucceed, maybe it wont. If it doesnt, I pick myself up, reinvent or come up with anaa thing until eventually one itasucceed (I have many ideas). All this time gava is paying my bills while were waiting for success

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Mwawasi all the way. People are what they want to be… I remember starting out on a 19k salary in 12k house… God can do magic. I got my First car a year later and as they say the rest is History.