Developing News: Congo Could Soon Join EAC

That’s a market that could propel Brookside. Seeing that not many people drink milk in that market.

Tz has a very good diplomatic relations with DRC, Uganda,Uganda, Rwanda, and the entire SADC block, Having tensions with kenya doesn’t mean that we are not in good standing with other Neighbors,
Btw, Did you know that m7, Kabila, Paul Kagame, Phellipe Nyusi and Mnangagwa Received training in Tz?

What is this ? Can you debate without insulting people?

:D:D:D do you know that M7, Kagame’s wife, Phellipe Nyusi, Salva Kiir have lived in Kenya too??

waBongo with your empty grand-standing, oooh tulikomboa Africa… lakini mkasahau kujikomboa kimawazo

This could actually work if the Boers in South Africa leave and the natives fail to take the opportunity like Zimbabwe did. Kenya could take south Africa’s place if political powers play it nice, we are already growing at a faster rate than they are.

Open an East Africa Community Cereal Board… and protect it from Arap Mashamba et al

Ambia John ‘Alcohol’ ‘Ma-padlock’ arudishe mifugo wetu kwanza then we can talk business: ukarimu yenyu fake ka ‘Pombe’

The Eastern part speak Swahili.

The Western parts speak Lingala. They rarely get along well.

Both are at the same level of upuss. Dominated by warlords and corruption. Not to mention the fact that Somalis like most wariahs/Cushites/Hamites think they’re a species of Arab. Delusions of grandeur.:D:D:D

South Sudan is a better prospect given that there is a strong Dholuo connection, our efforts in helping them get rid of their Arab slavemasters and the fact that their oil needs to be exported. Shida moja kubwa tu ni hao warlords wake. Foolish, violent men incl their president.

Do you know where KSG is located dude???
Haiko anywhere close to the CBD!!

South Sudan makes better sense.
No terrorists.

Rwanda too.Though they lifted the ban on Right Hand Vehicles in 2015

TZ imebeat. Kazi ni maharusi weekend na kunyanduana tigo tu

I agree. South Sudan is a nation of Christians and culturally, we are more similar than Somalia. I have learned time and time again not to underestimate how Muslims TRULY feel about Nonmuslims.

I damn know where it is. Umesoma hio sentence kweli?

They were auctioned

DRC is a very good prospect were it not that M7 unreliable. He maintains his influence in EAC by playing Kenya against Tz and vice versa, just like he did the crude pipeline debacle as such he is not to be trusted. Can you imagine building the SGR line to Malaba, and then he changes his mind again and opts for the Tz line.

We a4e weak because we prescribed too much democrazy for ourselves in our katimba.

Democracy is our strongest point. Our neighbours with autocratic leaders would give anything to be in our place.

It is one of the weak links in our system. A lot of times I see things go wrong coz we have emasculated our institutions beginning with the presidency