Donated blood had high levels of HIV

Blood type?


Universal donor? Nasakia msee.

O- ndio universal donor, i can only give to rhesus positive people


Oooh thanks alot

:D:D:D Belasco things.

Keep in mind O- is universal donor only for blood (red blood cells). When it comes to plasma, AB+ is the universal donor.

Hii ni ile Belasco iko Eldi? Pia niliona kuna mapoko hapo karibu na Baron hotel lakini karao wanahangaisha majamaa sana hiyo area code.

Yeah ni hiyo, area ya Baron Patrols Huwa mingi, other sides not so much, since the patrons are from different security organs. But due to the upcoming elections, Patrols have been heightened

That’s kinda the thing. The patient is sickle celled


Are there benefits in giving?