Heroin In Westlands ( fresh off the boat)

Hata huku tunastay wamereduce sana. And the ogas still around wanacheza chini sana.

Wako Kampala sai. Matiangi aliwatoa mbio sana

Njau is like a Paedophile, positions himself in a position which give him access to the most vulnerable, one wonders how many people he has recruited to be carrier and sellers through those fake talks. 50 years in jail.


Why do hard drugs like cocaine and heroin yet their effects are known to be detrimental?

People start with the "soft" drugs then graduate to the hard ones as the body craves a bigger high. This is why i have been crusading against exposing youngins to fangi……some will end up graduating to crack then later much nastier shiet.

That’s not accurate. Cannabis is medicinal, it’s been shown to help manage the effects of alzheimers, epilepsy and depression. Of course, anything used in excess is harmful.

so those who (ab)use it for recreation have these?

I suspect you’re only being facetious and not in search of an answer so I’ll not respond

On the contrary, I am not flippant.

and those who smoke Tobacco like you?

People abuse lots of prescription drugs from cough syrup to opiods which caused a crisis in the US, so what’s your point?

You sound like Ben. O, How is Washington DC?

What’s yours? You think I didn’t know that?

I don’t. Sorry to disappoint.