hurtful truth

Successful womens who have made it and specifically on their own rarely sound like OP. Very easy to discern from the comments in the thread.

Evolution tells us that Young eggs are more valuable than sperms so sex is a young woman’s weapon. Old eggs are more useless than sperms. Your theories therefore only apply to young women. As for being broke and lonely @Purple, despite her bank account, tells us how she perseveres walking over sewage water to go and see her date in the slums. Atleast that broke guy isn’t complaining of loneliness.


women have expiry date-chris kiil©2017

old eggs? I prefer you call it by it’s rightful term, motherhood. Motherhood is still far more important that is why men work to put food on the table for a particular woman.
Even if they don’t have kids, they have the mature nurturing side that you all look for but is less available on young women.

In any case we have two things that completely alter the game to our favor:
First is birth control mechanisms. It means a woman can now have complete control over whether to have a child.
Then there are sperm banks which give women this same power.

Well put. there is more to life than being fed!

I don’t see what’s the issue here. All people are capable of love, they aren’t stones. They’d all want to have partners too. Education doesn’t mean escaping family responsibilities. No sex or gender is better than the other, they complement each other. Control of love and sex? A person’s emotions are under his/her own control. You ever heard someone being told “Get a hold of yourself? Calm down…?” No one owns love. Sex, too, is a business of two consenting people or more( where the suffix ‘some’ is used). If people want it they’ll get it somewhere. No monopoly power on both.
I don’t get the point here.


I mentioned young eggs to mean young girls and old eggs to mean old unmarried childless women (not motherhood as you assume). The only thing men look for in old women is a cheap cum bucket, if he mentions that it’s you’re nurturing side he’s attracted to just know it’s so that you spread your legs without any questions or doubts.

You are only partly right. The game is skewed to favour young women only. Once youth is lost it’s downhill for women. Plus even the young women have the huge disadvantage of not being wise, atleast men become rich later in life when they’re much wiser. As for birth control mechanisms I don’t get your point, I see pregnant girls everywhere.


cc @DeliciousShiko , the countess of malaya-shire.

Not necessarily…

I agree with that…

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True… but this goes both ways. Unapata a man anaingia a relationship na ideologies zake. People playing mind games left right and centre, and we wonder why trust has become a rare commodity…


yes it’s true, both men and women are to blame,kuna pia wanaume very stupid, full of bullshit principles and expectations towards the women,

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This perception that “old” women are worth nothing doesn’t add up. These women are not living on the streets, they too have racked up years of career and assets. They are at a different point in life and expect different things in life. A mature woman is not going to be influenced by the wrong assumption that women all they seek is companionship.
You use beauty to demean but have you considered that the standards for women are way higher than that for men? They are not ugly only that you expect women from glossy magazine covers to be real.

Birth control has alot of ground to cover in our country (education and culture change too) but you can see women don’t have to sacrifice their professional development because sex does not necessarily lead to pregnancy. Lastly, most men do not become wiser. How is a 40+ year old man hanging with a girl half his age wise? That shows me a man controlled by sex and hang up on what he didn’t get in the past, admiration of young women.

Women rule now and men are not adjusting well.

That’s perfectly in order until a girl starts crying how she was used by a man, men are humane and intelligent so when they realize you only want them for reasons best known to only yourself don’t you say all men are dogs or the same unless you father was one.

@girlciki93 who hurt u/broke your heart…huyo mwanaume alikosea sana

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Men should learn to treat women for who they are but not what they expect them to be.

Don’t generalize. It’s not that all men are controlled by sex. I am controlled of making money. I placed my bet with my Oldman to reach a billionaire status at 40. About sex, I get what I want and never have I ever soothe a lady with monetary or anything related to my wealth.

You’re losing the plot now. You started by asserting that women control love and sex. I said that’s partially true since it only applies to young women. Older women can’t make that claim. This comment you’ve posted proves my point. Older women will focus on career because they’ve lost the control of love and sex to young women; in that regard they’re worthless. I didn’t mention beauty anywhere, just youth/age. A 40yr old hanging out with a 20yr old is wisdom in itself. He knows he has nothing to gain from his jaded agemates. It also proves my point that it’s ONLY young women who control love and sex.

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You had the chance to write “Sheila mwanyege”