Implications of Ecumenical Council in modern day Christian worship

Today I learnt that the Catholic Church has held 20 meetings between (60AD - 1962??) known as Ecumenical Councils the implications of which dictate modern day worship and practices notably:

  1. Recognition of Jesus as God i.e. as being equal to God, despite him being a Son of God. The debate was whether the Son can be equal in all ways to the Father and at the same time be the Father.

  2. Prohibition of Nuns and Priests to marry. This was not always the case in the early church immediately after Christ. Some Bishops sat in a convention and decided it should be that way.

  3. Prohibition of church members questioning the authority of appointed Priests.

  4. Prohibition of the use of bows and arrows against Christians during war. - I swear I am not making this stuff up.

  5. Set dates for when the holidays of Christmas and Easter would be celebrated.

Catholics are devil worshippers

Please continue reading and inform others. Lack of knowledge is killing us

christianity = fear

Religion = fear. Not just Christianity. The more you learn about Islam and Christianity, you get a feel that Muhammad was simply plagiarizing Christian teachings and claiming them as revelation from God.

The romans actually plagiarized Jewish folklore to come up with a brand new religion known as Christianity

Historical revisionism and loony conspiracy theories will not help anybody. Start from the documented historical facts. Jesus the founder of Christianity was crucified by the Romans. His followers and apostles were persecuted by Romans and even fed to wild beasts in Roman circuses. The gospel overcame Roman idolatry by the blood of the martyrs.

Lies. The collapsing Roman Empire adopted made Christianity a new Roman religion to control the masses. The Council of Nicaea: Pagan Emperor Constantine Used Christianity to Unify Church and State | Ancient Origins

You have the order reversed. First Christianity became widespread by its own merits. And then ambitious politicians saw its political potential and corrupted church leaders for political clout. The church leaders got a taste for power and then began to abrogate temporal powers unto themselves contravening the principle of separation of church and state. All those councils you mentioned were the machinations of the Roman Catholic Church to secure her supremacy. Observe how many centuries the Catholic church spent persecuting Christians who did not recognize her illegitimate supremacy.

At that point Christianity was not widespread but considered one of the many religions and cults floating in Roma empire

I actually agree, yes there were many other religions. The one that arose to ascendacy was a political mixture Christianity with other religions to make it more acceptable to the pagans. Like literally baptizing heathen deities and promoting them to worshippable “saints” and adding their religious festivals to the Christian calendar of events e.g. easter and Christmas whereas Christ and the apostles had no such observances. So Catholicism is not Christianity and thus her deceptions must not be blamed on Christianity.

what about your true religion

This is quite true. It is also what happened when Paul required gentiles not to start circumcising their men or give up taboo foods. Conditions for acceptance into the Jewish community of Christ were watered down.

There is no true religion. Mine, yours, his, hers; they are all corrupted. Your responsibility is to gather knowledge and discern that which is good for man kind and that which is not.

they corrupted the true religion, look at people now, they are confused