Itumbi na Diploma yake motoni

Regardless. Even the person with utmost clearance cannot produce government documents in a civil case. They’d have to make it criminal first. Especially because it involves someone’s private affairs.

Orengo wasn’t stupid enough to produce the server logs which by the way were trashed here as fake. He requested that IEBC be ordered to produce.


Kushidana na ndovu musalani,

Are you sure his feet held to fire?

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Swahili please.

but phandom and chirf principal uttered some documents styled as IEBC server logs…

Not in court. That’s how Jubilee and IEBC were played. They expected that. And if IEBChiloba have balls they can go sue Orengo.

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Wtf is the honorouble smokin smoking??

Wakora washikwe

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One thing at a time. HBD Uhuru, have five more years and then back to the details.

Oya @admin, I’m sure you can ask them to trace my IP address. Tell Lenaola, the Kenya Supreme Court judge, nimesema yeye ni mkora, mwizi, mhalifu, na anafaa athicwo!

He can go ahead and enjoin me in the suit or initiate a FRESH suit.


Wewe ni small fish. I bet hata rent kila mwezi ni bidii. Let a alone the ksh 15 million + judgment they will slap on you. So you can say as you wish.

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What is now:D:D


Ole Mayai aka Itumbi…jamaa ako na Dip. in Social Media Activism & Keyboard Warrioirism.


With that his fake communication diploma from Nairobi Aviation atajua hajui that baga:smiley:

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If he had balls, why doesn’t he reveal his real identity and utter those slanderous words instead of hiding behind an anonymous handle…jinga kabisa huyo mtu.

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So in other words he is suing Itumbi in order to earn?

Told you Lenaola ni mkora!


Done that on facebook. Is that good enough for you?

The good thing with social media is that we are all experts
Truth be told, after receiving that letter,Itumbi’s balls slept in his stomach that night,


Your truth isn’t true. See his facebook page.