Life lessons I learnt when I was unemployed

This post imeniguza. Saa hii I am on "holiday’ ushago after quitting my 8-5. No regrets. I am seeing things I never used to see nikiwa employed. My farm hands are not happy to see me on ‘holiday’ hapa kwa shamba. I have effectively put an end to their thieving ways.

Reminds me of this posting by bangaiza last yr which i bookmarked

It’s even worse if you win a tender (legally): and after 3 years you have not been paid!

Welcome back sis na hekaya twangoja kwa hamu:D. Ulifikisha school bag ya mean MoD Daddy cool in his yellow shirt?

Wacha someone akukute hapa akuite matron leta mandas…hihihi:D:Drest first;)…I must unleash KB on you right now. And Abba is waiting for some views from you.
Lakiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii miimiiiiiiiiii kuna hekaya nadai…hihihihihi…

Yep, life moves on soo fast when you are sitted behind a desk. You literally notice nothing until you get out. No regrets for taking off 6 months off work.

Here it depends, I have reliable family members and others are complete shit. When I was processing the title of my shamba I had a stranger do it, not a family member. Coz I knew it will come with strings attached. This uncle of mine wanted to farm on my plot. I refused because I know him, once he starts farming on it kumtoa itakuwa ngumu. I am planting trees instead.

Huh. No way. Family are best. While on this topic. I have been laid off 3 times, unfortunately. First time was a shocker. Had just got a job with one of the best companies. Didnt last 4 months. I learnt from this. On my 2nd layoff was shocked too but was prepared $. Took a year off. The only people who would check on me was my family. They never run, hide, etc.

Family is weird, you just gotta know who to trust. I have family who would take a bullet for me but I know without a doubt some uncles who would stab me in the back without hesitating. Yaani the type that steal from you mercilessly and still got the guts to act like they are the victims. I have resisted all types of business family deals coz of that.

How do you bookmark a thread btw?


And where is your God when you are suffering? Or is he testing your faith? Lesson: You are always on your own. No help from deties. Nothing. Just you