My girl's friend

My husband doesnt have a job. He only has assets all over the world ,if he wanted to he could stop working altogether and we’d be fine , he works just to stay busy . So that scenario is highly unlikely. Concise enough for you?

Yes it is, thanks. Okay just wondered as not all of us can be in your situation. Also you confuse me many times. ‘Kama sasa you have just said he does not have a job…then if he wanted to he could stop working altogether’. Anyway not to worry.

My point is this. Many men nowadays use women for free food and shelter and sex and movies and name it. Dont be that girl ! Because if theres an area these so called men of this generation are adept at its leeching off of women and because women are kind,giving and good natured they just go along with this and its ruining our men because it teaches them that they dont have to work hard to provide because women will pick up their slack. Back in the day you couldnt even get sex if you didnt have a good trade/job and if you hadnt married a woman - that is why our fathers were extremely responsible. Nowadays you can be as irresponsible as you like and still get enough baby mamas without the means or intention to provide. Is this the world we want for our posterity where leeching off a woman is something to be proud of and be praised for?

who did this research of many men using women? Can we have a look at that research

Just look at the posts here, that’s enough of a sample. A generation back what man would say to his peers that he had been living in a woman’s house, eating her food,watching her movies. I mean the fact that men nowadays have no qualms even saying that theyre living off women shows that the tide has shifted. You can google for the research. Im making deductions based on my own observations.

[SIZE=7]Men Are Getting Weaker — because We’re Not Raising Men[/SIZE]
August 16, 2016 6:16 PM American males are losing touch with a critical element of true masculinity.
If you’re the average Millennial male, your dad is stronger than you are. In fact, you may not be stronger than the average Millennial female. You’re exactly the kind of person who in generations past had your milk money confiscated every day — who got swirlied in the middle-school bathroom. The very idea of manual labor is alien to you, and even if you were asked to help, say, build a back porch, the task would exhaust you to the point of uselessness. Welcome to the new, post-masculine reality.
This morning, the Washington Post highlighted a study showing that the grip strength of a sample of college men had declined significantly between 1985 and 2016. Indeed, the grip strength of the sample of college men had declined so much — from 117 pounds of force to 98 — that it now matched that of older Millennial women. In other words, the average college male had no more hand strength than a 30-year-old mom.

Yes, I know it’s only one study. Yes, I know that grip strength is but one measure of overall physical fitness. But as the Postnoted, these findings are consistent with other studies showing kids are less fit today. (For example, it takes children 90 seconds longer to run a mile than it did 30 years ago.) Simply put, we’re getting soft — and no cohort is getting softer faster than college men.
I look back to my own childhood. In 1985, I was 16 years old, and I was a nerd’s nerd. I toted graph paper and 20-sided dice to school to play Dungeons & Dragons at lunch. (I like to think I was the finest dungeon master Scott County, Ky., had ever seen.) When I wasn’t playing D&D, my nose was buried in Lord of the Rings, or the Shannara books by Terry Brooks, or the Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. I played sports, sure, but let’s just say that my varsity tennis exploits didn’t make the cheerleaders’ hearts flutter.
RELATED: On Man’s Duty to Defend the Weak and Vulnerable
But none of my nerdiness relieved me of the responsibility of learning how to be a man — a protector, builder, and fixer
. So that meant spending my Saturdays hauling out the ramps to change the oil and oil filters on all our cars. That meant helping my dad build a new back porch or constantly wrestling with immense piles of firewood. (We heated our house with a wood stove.) I made extra money working in neighborhood yards. Being a guy meant doing manual labor. That was just part of growing up — no matter your social class.

In the age of instant oil change (why entrust your car’s health to your 16-year-old?), ubiquitous lawn services, and on-demand handymen, privileged kids simply don’t have the same, naturally occurring opportunities to learn to work with their hands and to develop physical strength. In the age of zero-tolerance school-disciplinary policies — where any kind of physical confrontation is treated like a human-rights violation — they have less opportunity to develop toughness. Today’s young males don’t have common touchstones for what it’s like to grow up to be a man.
POLL: Is Physical Strength an Important Aspect of Masculinity?
That’s not to say that they don’t still carve out their own, distinctively male spaces — boys and girls are different, after all. But spend time with teen boys today and you’ll find that their common experience revolves more around Call of Duty than around work or even sports. As kids get older (and even during their teenage years), the male gaming experience is supplemented with copious amounts of porn. Thus — as [I]Philadelphia[/I] magazine illustrated in 2012 — the devolution of man is complete:
Raising a boy to be a young man used to be a natural act. Common experiences and rites-of-passage meant that my D&D friends could pop the hood of a car and get to work right alongside the future mechanics of my high-school class. We weren’t as good or as knowledgeable, but we held our own. And there were no social-justice warriors shrieking that there was no such thing as distinctively male or masculine pursuits.
Now, for parents of the privileged, raising a boy to be a young man has to be an intentional act. You have to ignore the voices who are telling you to indulge your child’s inclinations — no matter what they are — and train them to be not just morally courageous but also physically strong. They can have their Xbox or their PC (my son brags about his kill/death ratio on Battlefield, and we belong to the same World of Warcraft guild), but they can also hit the weight room. They can also not just learn to shoot but also how to assemble and disassemble their weapon. Even if you’re rich, you can make your kid do the hard work that keeps any household together.

RELATED: Victim Culture Is Killing American Manhood

I need links to a conducted research which claims that many men use women for the things you claimed. If you have none you should have just shut up. one post on Ktalk is not a representative sample of “many men”

Napita tu…:cool:

You dont get to tell me to shut up because Im stating what you dont want to hear.Is there any links to scientifically sound studies that claims that kuguru hafugiki? Some few posts here is not a representative sample ok? So you shut the fuck up and stay the fuck out of my way unless you are going to use the same reasoning for everything and everyone on this forum. Not just for the ones that rub your male ego the wrong way ok? You dont get to tell me to just shut up what are you class prefect unaandika noisemakers. Keep to your lane sonny. Mimi huniwezi even if you came with your entire posse. Based on observations Ive made both online and IRL ,MANY MEN are living off women. I stand by what I said. You can deport me if you dont like it ‘headboy’!

I’ve seen a real millionaire lose it all, sold assets and now sells charcoal. You’ve never slept hungry, I guess.

But I have… out of choice. My beef with you isnt about you being poor at one point in your life boss. Its with the fact that you see nothing wrong in pretending to be in love with a woman so that you can get shelter and food. Like obttaining goods under false pretenses and am not even talking about the sex. How do some of you people here sleep at night. Do you have any conscience at all. What you did is despicable and callous. Am sure once you were no longer homeless and hungry you promptly moved on and left the poor good samaritan all brokenhearted over you. I mean seriously doesnt that bother you even a teeny bit? Am shocked how you could just do something so vile and yet you’re blaming me for asking women to avoid poor men because they dont know if its love or hunger and cold drawing in the man. Its ok if you just ask for help but using love and ‘marriage’ as a guise to get fed is beyond …I dont even have a word for it.

He doesnt have a conventional job, he is not employed by someone . He works for himself, is that having a job? And its not like he needs a job ,he invested well, money works for him not the other way round. I however do have a regular job, I dont need to work but I do it to maintain my sense of autonomy in the world and not to get bored to death in spas,throwing endless luncheons and gossip playdates like my friends who are housewives do. Im getting a Science PhD because I want to feel accomplished and because I have the time for it now that my kids have gone abroad to study and the nest is empty.

Its very noble to help a person in need and the reason why less and less people do this is because of people like you who exploit the goodnature of kind people. If you need help just ask for the help , Im sure she’d have helped you without you pretending to be her boyfriend or whatever this arrangement was. And then on top of that you have unprotected sex with her friend, exposing her - your sponsor/‘wife’ to diseases and go far away to buy P2s because you literally cant afford to be kicked out of your little ‘love nest’ let alone a pregnancy. What the fuck is this world coming to. And you feel this is something wonderful to share with all of us here. May God damn your soul to hell you ungrateful leech!!!

some women are h/wives not out of their will. some lacked fees

kudos for all your other achievements

at least a man had to survive using his brain. some of you people who are blessed with money raise the worst kind of boys. I’m really glad that I built myself unlike guys like Prezzo (your sons fall into this category) who can’t think for themselves. Plus you never know whether she is still with me or not.


“many men” does not mean “majority” or a “higher percentage” compared to the ones who are responsible.

Oki I understand where you are coming from but this is KTALK. If some of us believed everything posted here by 90 percent of the men, we would never ever get married. Some of the men post their ‘wishful dreams’. A classic case of a KYUK methali kule Kiambu. Can’t recall how it goes but it is about drunk men in a bar talking about how they will beat their wives wakifika home. But alas, some beat the drum and others beat their wives. NKT.

Please dont try to change the topic here, we are talking about you and not prezzo ok? Anzisha thread ingine about spoilt boys but dont divert attention from the fact that you are an evil and heartless excuse for a humanbeing. Dont start excusing bad behaviour as a man surviving using his brain, you are no different than these conmen who con people by promising jobs in the army, its the same thing. Many people leave school and have no jobs but they dont become conmen, dont justify your lack of ethics on poverty, this is the same character you will carry over to when you will make it big in life, utaendelea tuu kukuwa conman. Just put yourself in this ladies shoes surely? Alafu you are even mocking God ati He blessed you with a job in 3 months because you were ‘married’!!! Boss you need to check yourself, you are rotting if not already rotten. You meet a beautiful lady she has no job ,nowhere to stay, she comes to live with you, you house her,you feed her, you buy her movies and soap and pads name it, pesa ya salon then she hooks up with your best friend without even using protection IN YOUR OWN HOUSE!!! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The golden rule. I rest my case.

Again, I reiterate, if a woman wants to be in situationship, let her understand her role as a Friends with Benefits or as a Sponsoress but not delude herself that she is a wife or a girlfriend. Our African culture does not allow for men to be kept by women or to financially support men. This is a foreign concept from I dont know where probably the black american population . In African culture, no man who cant provide for himself leave alone a woman and a family should be anywhere near a woman unless its a commercial sex worker. It was deemed better to be a 20th wife or a concubine of a man who could support you and a family if you had one than someone who you have to fendfor as though he were your child. I believe that culture served us well and these foreign concepts of men being kept by women should be condemned in the strongest terms possible. Infact after circumcision a man can not go to a woman’s house ,its her to go to his house and he couldnt even sleep in his mother’s house. You see when we lost that autonomy of a man , as a provider , as a person who would rather starve than take handouts from a woman is where the rain started beating us, our men would have been forced to live up to those high standards but now women are the ones even buying movies for men to tune their girl friends with. Our society and especially WE the WOMEN have ruined men completely. Where is the pride in being a man anymore if you have to hide under a woman’s skirt for food and shelter. A man used to be a lion, a go getter, proud and dignified. Nowadays men have been reduced to pathetic boys who are crying that women are taking their jobs while they live under women’s roofs and thats what is considered being a MAN , I mean maisha imewashinda so now theyve turned on women to blame them as the source of their failure to launch. I always ask these menwho like blaming feminism what theyve achieved in life? You have achieved nothing in life then you blame a woman, your mother, society, women - go out and do stuff like a real man, go out and achieve something laudable and even the most feminazi woman will bow at your feet but dont be a pathetic loser then as you are taking handouts from women you are complaining they no longer respect you, you do you respect the people you support financially or it is them to respect YOU because its them who are your dependents and not the other way around, having a dick is not a guarantee for respect, respect is earned - you must be exemplary, you must have grit, you must be dignified and proud and reject handouts and free rides - make your own way. Make it big in the world ,have a name for doing something that adds value to society and everybody will respect from women to kids and even animals. Its not a birth right you gotta earn it. Uhuru was born into it but he also had to prove himself and be his own man so dont imagine theres any free respect for you anywhere, if there wasnt for UK. I mean its tragic! No more the days men used to be respected everywhere by everybody. And women adored men because they were go getters. They were protectors. They commanded respect in society. Our dads were really something. Gone are those days.