Now that Old Manki has promoted me, a Field Marshal, in another life.......


Hehehe…incidentlly, that was mine too.

still you dreams are valid,you can be a google pilot

Did you google a hacienda?


wakameat, are you a google butcher??

A priest

Military engineer

A poultry farmer.

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A politician. I can’t be one now because I have a conscience.

Inawesekana, if only you believe

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A movie producer and waste people’s time with Hekayas.

utakamuliwo mkia by kawambui aka female perspective

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I would have been an air force pilot, fly f-16s and such at ludicrously high speed and do mischevous tricks. plus the dogfights would be the ultimate achievement.

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Dadi kwani you have self-esteem issues? Pusi is available EVERYWHERE, even for a Kenyapithecus like me!

Creepy ‘crawlry’

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Hehehe YOUR kids still carry the ‘bastard’ tag after siring them?

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You are already living your life like that,it is just that you are not conscious of it.Did you imagine that God in his infinite wisdom created us to just live a lifetime of just over eighty years and that’s it?? No, man,we live forever and forever more.Choosing (yes choosing) to whom we would like to be born to,the circumstances (whether highborn or not)etc. Reincarnation is a fact that mainstream religions have kept away from you. Perhaps you might be a corporal in your next life?:wink:

Mujamaa noky napata whenever but still wang ni muhimu kupigishwa tizi

i thought all pornstars wank at the end of the pumping; i mean they have to be blown to rise to the occasion, they pump a bit, then wank to waste or abuse the supporting cast with the joti…imagine badala ya kumwaga ndani…some jobs!

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its called the ‘money shot’