Should a woman be given a job in tech because she is woman or because of merit?

Just bring in the secretary to take notes, case closed

You are PERSONATE about??? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:And yet here you are speaking about MERIT!!!

i meant passionate or eager, my mistake

At one of my places of business the ONLY people who serve whatever are ALL male. They actually make it look like a very professional job, men are great at hyping nothing into loooking like a very proffesional thing. I remember one who used act like an air hostess wa Emirates, he was a tea server. Gotta love 'em. To the women its just serving tea but majamaas they can make even the most menial job look like a big deal. Whats that title for KAMAGERA, something transport attendant…

You are just a run of the mill MISOGYNIST. As a man who is really PERSONATE about sexual harassment, let me tell you that you may die before you are ever a victim of sexual harassment , for women by the time theyre 9 theyre already being sexually harassed. If you have never lost your job or dreaded going to work every day because your boss wants to sleep with you, carresses your legs or arms when he is alone with you, makes comments about how sweet to eat you look, calls you to his desk to show you what he wants you to work on then he opens a porn video , you cant be PERSONATE enough. You see men love talking about sexual harassment because its something that isnt the norm for their gender , for women , you dont even want to talk about it because as long as you are a woman , you can always be a victim of not just sexual harassment but RAPE . You can be 90years old woman and still get raped. So find a man who has lost his job for not sleeping with his boss and see if he feels as PERSONATE about sexual harassment as you whose never experienced it feels. I know one, he has become very sympathetic to victims of sexual harassment most of who are female.

Well if you are developing a product, unless your product will only be used by a homogenous group - by the way homogeneity is very hard to find even among people raised in the same house and sharing the same DNA.This is why female vote can not be a block vote because women are not homogenous. Those who ask why women dont vote for women. So you need diverse perspectives , only an ignorant person with no capacity for critical thinking would find that laughable. You think that your bosses are the fools but clearly they understand many things that you don’t.

Men can NEVER comprehend the amount of harassment women go thru just on a day to day basis no matter how PERSONATE theyd like to think of themselves as about harrasment.

On a light note men have some weirdass walking styles:D:D:D

Wish all woman could be this sassy buh it could get a woman killed on these streets

Man:Say Mami
Girl: SON?? Can you call me MOTHER bcz that makes sooo hot :D:D:D:D:D:D

Google is your friend next time when something isnt making sense to yah , just google it , instead of pandering to some really bigotted group of people here by expressing views that just expose your ignorance K?

how does what you are writing connect with what i wrote. except you just want to get attention for no reason

what has miami got to do with kenya or africa?

i am sure, you have no knowledge of what you are writing, i guess you are one of those online SJW

what attention? Is that what you’ve been told about women who don’t agree with you -that what they want is attention? then you are more far gone than I thought you were. Your attention is clearly WORTHLESS if the things your mind dwells on is why your boss insists on including women at your workplace for the sake of diversity. Your attention would be put to better use if you research things in life you find not making sense to you instead of quickly coming to post your ignorance here.

Ofcourse I have no knowledge. You are the one with the monopoly of knowledge because you have facial hair?

Its kind of hard for someone who is so focused on minutiae to see the global picture of things.

i dont have the monopoly of knowledge but all that you wrote is pure trash.

what is global here, do people behave alike in a global world

i am talking about Kenya and Africa, you are talking about global.

next time, you need to read and critically think about something before writing emotion piece here

Can you debunk the points I make logically,like someone who went to school PROPERLY.

All that you wrote is pure trash is what I’d expect from someone in kindergaten.

do people behave alike in a global world [SIZE=5][FONT=book antiqua][COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]I rest my case !!![/FONT][/SIZE]

My worst ‘emotion piece’ (what kind of English is this? ) is better than your best logic!!! Matter of fact, I am yet to see anything logical in anything you are saying here.