So Daddy Owen aliachiwa watoto wake

As a real man there’s nothing called being down on your luck. You make your own luck. If you think that as a man you were put on earth for a picnic,go read Genesis. The same way you will throw out a woman who can not fulfill her obligations to you as her husband is the same fate that will befall you if you can’t meet your obligations. It’s not a holiday camp it’s a rat race so if you can’t stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. If a woman can’t give you kids,keep house, good food and sex she will be out but for some reason if a man can’t fulfill his one and only obligation of providing we are supposed to understand that he’s down on his luck. This is not a game of bingo we are talking about. Do you know what it costs to raise a child nowadays? Will any school accept stories of how your husband is down on his luck when it’s time to pay fees.

The nature of men is to be hypocrites and the epitome of double standards. If your wife fails to meet the obligation you will mercilessly toss her out but when it’s you, the tune changes. A marriage is like partnership in a business everyone must play their role. Your mother is the only person who will accept mediocrity bcz you are her kid. Not a wife. And even less if it’s a husband.

WOMEN will do anything to feed their children, so even the galvanting with bosses is merely bcz you are a failure as a man, so she now has to suck and fuck other more responsible men just to pick up your slack as a provider , kids cost money and they don’t care if your luck is down. If you don’t want that kind of responsibility you have no business impregnating anybodys daughter. Just die with your substandard genes bcz in real life its a survival of the fittest. It’s not a holiday camp my friend.

Truman kali

I am not a Christian and so, I don’t subscribe to the philosophy of glorifying male slavery in the hope of perpetuating my genes or procuring female companionship. If having noisy, annoying kids and nagging wives is what constitutes being a real man, then count me out from that equation.


The thing is, idiots and low IQ buffoons are always spitting out kids like rats. Ama you think some of these fellows are giving birth to the next generation of scientists and intellectuals? Heheeee if that was the case, Africa would be leading the world in virtually every measurable social economic index from quality of life, GDP, health care, and technological innovation, since we have a relatively high birth rate.

Did you really believe that people with good genes are the ones filling our maternal wards in Sub-Saharan Africa - more so a Vumbistan like Kenya?

Intelligent breeding always wins anytime my friend, and you and I know that the worst shitholes in the world is where an average woman gives birth to 8 kids: viz Somalia and Niger.

So providing for your own children is now male slavery?

What is your purpose in life if you can’t even take pride in providing for your children? You see it as being enslaved, so what would you be saying if you were a woman? You have all those responsibilities women have. Which they do without complaining. You with just one responsibility you feel enslaved.

I mean it’s laughable. The caliber of men we have nowadays. Jokers who want to have their cake and eat it. So entitled. You just want to be pampered, life is not easy the way you want to take it ati I’m going to stay single, you think staying single is the easy route, it’s not easy especially for a man but you stay single and avoid slavery we will compare notes later.

If you think because you are a man women are here to do everything for you while you just sit back and wait for your luck to start looking up utashangaa my friend.

As for giving birth that is a personal choice. You can have 15 kids and not take care of them. It’s up to you if you want your kids to get a raw deal. But this MGTOW philosophies of not taking responsibility as a man ati it’s slavery will be the undoing of many. Keep on subscribing to people who are selling books to get wealthy from weak men who want to have an easy ride.

I x

Men and women these days are freely choosing to live without kids. But I doubt you would say that these women who make these choices are weak. And guess what, over the last few years many women I have met, (am sure you have met some as well), feel the same way too. They say marriage for them would be a bad deal, and when they list those specific issues they find objectionable, at least I have the intellectual honesty to try and see things from their perspective despite being a man.

I mean, let us apply some intellectual honesty for once. You of all people would never tell a woman that she is less of a woman simply because she fails to fulfill a basic biological requirement of passing on some genes. Be honest.

I don’t how not having children translates to avoiding responsibility. I mean, as long as I have not impregnated anyone, or even misled a woman to have a relationship under the pretence that it will lead to marriage. Isn’t that taking charge of your life and anticipating consequences of your actions, and being truthful to others?

However, since a man has dared to mention that he wants a childless life, all over sudden, he becomes the bogey man who represents the antithesis of real manhood.

Let’s be clear, I won’t compete with buffoons giving birth to kids like rats with a retinue of baby mamas in tow. These kind of men have clearly avoided the easy way in life, and if that is real traditional manhood, wacha ikae.

This thing of promoting mediocre and absurd breeding techniques is the reason why this part of the world can never guarantee millions of young people to access quality job prospects because the generations before us didn’t have the forewithal to plan for the future.

It’s why we can’t even have a progressive, forward-looking, land tenure policy, since polygamous bonobos who came before us multiplied like rats and then subdivided fertile agricultural land into small plots that has transformed some rural areas into rural slums. What you define as traditional manhood while it contains some undeniable virtues, has also costed future generations in sub-saharan Africa of good opportunities since our high birth rates consistently exceed the rate of economic growth.

Finally, I will respond to the ridiculous statement that women do all their duties without complaining. Heheee. Uiiii. Ngai. Come on now. It’s a truism in virtually every culture in the world that women nag their men. This is true for every culture. You will find married men across different cultural divides complaining about this specific issue.

In African culture and in most cultures posterity is for men not women. This is why if I am kiyuk lady married to a Luo man, my children will identify as Luo. So basically the impetus to procreate and propagate genes is for men not women. It’s the same in the animal kingdom its males who must compete to get the privilege of a female to propagate their genes. The competition is so savage that some male animals kill their sons or male offspring to kill the competition. I always use the example that if you have a choice between killing all men except 10k or women, killing the women would lead to extinction but not the men bcz the 10k men could fertilize millions of women , if we had only 10k women left and they gave birth every year from menarch to menopause, it’s approximately 20 kids per a woman, that’s 200k offspring.

I may not be having children but that doesn’t require me being defensive about it. I still think highly of the sacrifice parents make after all I am a beneficiary of such self denial . As a Christian I can not involve myself in relations outside marriage, so if I am not married, I can’t have children biologically. The main reason I am child free is because of my beliefs and ideals.

My maternal great grandfather had 16 wives but I never saw a polygamous family or single parent family growing up. So it’s unnatural to me. I have relatives and friends older than me who have never married or had kids biologically or adopted so I know all sides of the coin.

My issue with people like you is that you have been radicalised against marriage by people who are just out to make money from your radicalisation. It’s not based on personal beliefs or experiences rather from a toxic group think that has radicalised men to view traditional roles as a punishment that should be avoided at all costs.

The modern pattern of one man impregnating several women and then not taking responsibility for their kids in a manner achievable by a monogamous marriage is very toxic and is destroying the fabric of society. Marriage is not for you or your security it’s for the children. It gives your kids the most stability. That’s the undeniable crux of the matter.

I understand your apprehension with modern relationships, I know because I am an idealist and I hate disappointment I’m risk averse, I don’t want to deal with the kind of messes I see many people going through in marriage. No matter how great your intentions may be marriage is a team sport, if your partner has no scruples they will take you and your kids down with them. In spite of your best intentions your marriage is only as good as the weakest link. You cede your life to another human being. Which is very scary prospect with the type of rot we have in society nowadays.

Its still taking the easy way out none the less bcz high risk high returns it takes alot of strength to be in a marriage nowadays bcz our generation lacks the commitment and integrity of the generation of our parents who were in marriage to the death.

I will still reiterate that men are running from responsibility nowadays. They are not as responsible disciplined and hardy as our dad’s generation of men.

As for the so called female nature of promiscuity, women like every human are social animals and merely a reflection of the society they live in. You take the same loose women to Afghanistan with the sharia laws and watch those same women toe the line.

This perfectly sums up my sentiments around modern marriage. You have succinctly put it better than I could. The peace of mind of knowing that you that you don’t have to deal with the baggage marriage makes me thankful that I am not married.

I see my Campo friends reduced to shells of their of their former lives, after marriage sucked their vibrant souls out of them. I was catching up with one former campus mate who happens to be married and the things she goes through I am like, she is barely 35, yet the drama she has accumulated in her life since her marriage is comparable to that of 50 year old women who got hooked up to toxic dudes.

People are depressed in this marriages, they are just hanging tight because it’s what is expected to be respected in society baptism by fire. It’s worse when you are a woman because you carry most of the liability. A man can wake up one day relocate to another country and never look back but women’s attachment to their kids and social expectations that women are the ones to take primary responsibility for the kids. From observation I think to do well in marriage you have to be a dyed in the wool thug with a the devil may care but not me attitude. If you are emotional and too attached and trusting to your partner you will be destroyed by what your partner may do, sometimes just out of sheer stupidity like getting pg with other men or men impregnating house help or your relatives. Many men and women are either dead, in jail or mathare bcz of putting their partner on a pedistal then being betrayed. It’s a jungle out there and you are really on your own, the promised camaraderie in marriage is just an illusion to reel you in once you are neck deep and the euphoria is over is when the stark reality of how much power this person has over your life starts to dawn on you. If you are an idealist you will be in for a rude shock bcz it’s like this gangster paradise where anything can happen thanks to your partner.

Personally I have come to equate marriage to drug addiction. It could drive you to do things that you never thought yourself capable of. The means justify the end. The things married folk do is unfathomable. How would you explain a married woman sleeping with a principal to get her kid into a good school. Others even have kids with bosses to improve their family finances something no single person would do. Especially after kids it’s like you will do anything no matter how terrible to get ahead. It’s a primal instinct.

The same way a drug addict will do anything to get high. Is the same way married folk have no qualms doing all manner of crazy things to survive in those marriage. Morality takes a back bench bcz you are no longer an individual answerable to God you are a team with goals to be achieved at whatever cost.

Anyway its life. The craziest most unimaginable things happen in marriage. So if you are not ready for drama, give the golden cage a wide berth. If you lack tolerance please don’t try to get married coz you have to put up with alot of bullshit. If you’re a very idealistic and emotional person you will burn out. Like me my tolerance for BS is very low, I get exasperated so fast and have very high expectations which if you just show signs of not meeting, I will shut down immediately. I have no energy to invest in a dead end relationship where there is no return on my investment of time, energy, good will and my emotions. I grew up in a tumultuous marriage so I already have enough marriage fatigue, so at the first sign of disappointment I just turn rogue. Yaani from very loving and caring to the devil may care but not me, I want to show you that my goodwill isn’t coming for free. You don’t have a monopoly of not meeting expectations, I can frustrate you more than you can frustrate you. It’s a way of taking back the power I didn’t have as a child to control my environment. I have been seen to be very callous in my relationships but it’s just that I have burnout from my childhood so my tolerance levels are very low. I can never allow a man to get away with mistreating me, I will mistreat him worse. Unlike most women moving on is not a big deal, I can move on at the drop of a hat. I have hurt and rejected many men bcz I’m not ready to be a powerless victim in the name of love. I switch off and become vindictive very quickly. I am a good hearted person but if you fall short of my expectations I morph into an ice queen, you will wonder if I am still the same soft person that you knew. I remember one time an exe telling me that I was hurting him and I simply told him I didn’t care and he was free to leave since he thought he had me so he started misbehaving. I became so cold and ruthless that he told some mutual friends that he had never met a woman as hard as me. Like I often say I can even date the devil and come out unscathed. The only power men have over women is that women want men to commit to them, if you don’t care one way or the other, a man has no power over you.

I was seeing this guy who even tried red peel tactics on me, blowing hot and cold and negging, I just observed calmly, the blackout I gave him he has never believed it. When you don’t need anyone, people are powerless over you. So I have perfected self reliance and ambivalent attachments style. After all who can offer me better quality of life than I can offer myself? People generally respect people who are not needy and are self reliant. For example when it comes to office politics I keep off, unlike most people who are ever insecure, competing with each other and are all up in one another’s business, me I don’t really bother with other people bcz at the end of the day, what value does being all up in your business add to my life? It’s earned me alot of respect bcz it’s rare to find even a man let alone a woman who is so self assured and is not bothering with keeping up with the joneses. Alot of people are much older with big kids and they are very insecure, that’s when you look to people for validation. Even my boss respects me bcz he sees that I am very different from the petty nature of most people. It takes balls of steel to take the road less traveled. You can’t be a weak minded person and go against the grain. I am labeled a loner but I just like living life on my own terms. I don’t condone nonsense even from my own relatives, if you disrespect me, I will just give you a black out. It’s simplified my life a great deal. The devil is other people as the adage goes.

You do know you can help lots of people by writing your life experiences in a book? Not necessarily to make money out of it but just to share and impact people with your insights.

You can even create a blog. People forget that the most impactful stories come not necessarily from famous people, but from ordinary people.

As Jose Mujica said, the human being is the only animal who needs to stub his toe 20 times to get things. Or learn lessons. Humans rarely learn from anything but their own personal experiences. That’s why the same problem plagues humanity from generation to generation. People still drink and drive. They know the consequences but that’s never stopped them. Most singles usually are on two ends the ones whose parents had great marriage and those that were not so great. There’s power in adversity. It helps you realize that you are the real captain of your ship. No one else. That is the bottom line. If you are miserable it’s because you have chosen to be. People especially women give away alot of their power. As the Bible says of Esau and his brother Jacob and their treacherous mother Rebecca, you shall shake off their yoke when you get tired of it.

Without those difficult rites of passage like heartbreak, disillusionment and hanging onto toxic relationshits bcz you believe in love, you would never grow. Growth is a painful process that every human must go through. You can’t save people from the process painful as it may be. Nobody has the answers. My pain and insight is wasted on someone who hasn’t experienced it first hand. I am not a huge fan of self help. Life is complicated. Nobody has it all figured out. Don’t let gurus tell you otherwise you have to grow up by yourself. Nobody can do it for you. Everyone has their own destiny. I believe that. A huge lesson I’ve learned in life is that every one has their hurdle to climb so don’t be envious or feel victimized. Time wounds all heels.

I agree. Nothing trumps First hand knowledge

This thread is toxic. Very toxic. I’m muting/blocking some of you. Wow. I feel like I need to bathe. Hizi ni ushenzi gani mnasema surely?

Am glad you have used the Bible as a reference
Let me reach you a thing or two about the Bible your trying to manipulate Bible verses to your advantage
The Bible doesn’t support hoes or your so called whore bosses
Deuteronomy 22:22-25
If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die
Why coz they are hoes

1 Corinthians 7:39
A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.
Niccer ain’t dead

Women of these days are so clueless
Do you realize you were created specifically to be your husband’s helper
Unadhani kuwa helper ni kumenstruate kubreast feed na kuzaa
It amazes me how old and naive you are
Coz to me helping means to aid
and yes nincompoop that includes responsibilities

A wife is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:16
But y’all not just hoes but lazy hoes

Your here talking about men’s role but can’t talk or quote the Bible on the woman’s role
Responsibilities nyef nyef
The Bible states clearly the woman must be
a woman of virtue and of excellent moral character Prob 31:30
Let’s not even talk about submission
Matt. 20:26). In the same manner, a wife must become a servant to her husband if she ever desires to help him to fulfill his responsibilities as the head of the household.
But no y’all want to be the bosses servants na kuwapanulia way to go…
But any way maybe am here blaming you and maybe it was how you were brought up

You was taught that the man must provide
If he doesn’t go hoe mwenye atabwaga na aprovide takes it all
Happy holidays o

Nani ako na charger ya type-c anisaidie

Yes I am brought up by a very very responsible man and he is the reason I have high standards. My mum is a queen. She looks so young that everyone asks me what is the key to her youthful looks. I always tell them that marrying a responsible man is three quarters of the secret to happiness and peace and hence youthfulness. She retired decades ago, my dad is more active now in his 70s than he was during his working life and one time when we were kids one Christmas my mom who was a social worker then couldn’t go with us for Christmas bcz of work, my dad got her a job that would ensure her ability to be available for her family during holidays. The reason my mom looks so young is because she didn’t marry a man who thought of her as a work mule the way feminine lazy men like you and I bet your father too. She married a real Meru man who knows what being a man is. Not a bitter, lazy, ill mannered, foul mouthed boy who wants to be a woman actually wants to be a child so that women can do everything for him. Since he can’t do the female roles either.

I am twisting the scripture? Really? I copy pasted the verse. This is the new testament. Jesus came to remove people from the yoke of the law that’s why He never stoned the adulterous women. Should we listen to Jesus or to the law? Or should we listen to you? Do you know Rahab the harlots was in the genealogy of Jesus? She was His great grandmother.

God sent His Son to bring us out of the law so we follow what is in the new testament. Now what did the verse say, it says, ANY MAN WHO DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR HIS FAMILY HAS FORSAKEN THE FAITH AND IS WORSE THAN A NON BELIEVER. Yaani to God a devil worshiper who provides for his family is better than a Christian man who does not provide for his family. Imagine where God places men like you.

I’m sorry that you were not raised properly and that is why you not a man except in your private parts. No wonder you are so bitter and angry and belligerent. I know it’s painful to see other men doing great for their family. While you are screaming that your wife isn’t helping you bcz you are not man enough and you were not raised to be a man.

I don’t support immorality but I understand why your wives, wives suck and fuck bosses, it’s bcz they’re trying to help effeminate males like you play their role of providing for the family.

I was in my uncle’s funeral recently his wife eulogies him as a real meru man, she cried uncontrollably, talking about how he went with her to receive excellence awards the world over, asked her to quit her job as a headmistress and supported her financially in all her ventures, she was just doing something to be busy, my uncle told her that her ventures were mainly expensive hobbies, his daughter who is an oncologist had her workmate who is a senior single told my cousin who is also single, they both don’t have kids, that if she met a man like that she’d be married tomorrow. These are women who can afford to buy houses on the river thames cash, my cousin bought a 40 million Bob penthouse cash near where my parents stay, she’s a year older than me, single and no kids yet her and her well heeled female friends who grew up seeing their dads being real meru men, want those kinds of men. There’s no way you grow up with an Uber responsible dad then you marry a loser like you who do not know what being a man is about. Majority of the single senior women who have money have realized men like the Era of our fathers are almost none existant anymore so they are just enjoying their wealth by themselves maybe adopting or not because no woman no matter how much money she has wants to provide for a man especially if she grew up with a real man for a father. We shinda hapo ati a woman should be a punda wife. Go look at that old testament and tell us if Abraham, Jacob, Isaac and other fathers of faith were providing for their own or it was the wives doing it. Jacob worked for 14 years to marry Rachel. Wewe you are complaining that women should be your servant. You are confused, you are lost, you are not a man and I blame your dad he failed you. You think being a man is a woman being your servant. Pole sana your mom was a work mule for your dad that is why you are so confused. You will never know the pride of real men. You know how you are talking with so much frustration says it all, you are angry because deep down you wish you were a real man who does not need women to help him provide. It’s never too late though. You can still be that man if you stop looking for a woman to help you be a man and do it by yourself like real men do. Even during festive season you are bitter bcz you know that you are not a real man yet. It’s frustrating to see other men doing good for their family by themselves.Dont use vulgar language bcz me I’m just telling you the truth your dad and your circumcise never told you. Mwanaume ni effort. Mwanaume ni success. Mwanaume ni self made not wife made. Happy Holidays.

There you go you just admitted it it’s in your family and I can’t tell you to change shit
Funniest part is you already judged me hehe n bitching about how great your family is and that you got high standards saying how Jesus came to remove us from the yoke yet in Mathew y’all required not to hoe or preach hoeism but become humble servants to your husbands
If you understand a lazy hoe and approve what she does that makes you a hoe too and a very old one for that matter yes hoes also consider themselves to be of high standards
And kungurus mostly love earthly materials over anything else and talk about other successful men and their women they jealous about but won’t talk about their own…
:D:D:D in all those giant stories about successful meru men were wives lazy?
…1 Peter 3:1-22
Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct. Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves

But no your hoes
am wondering if your late uncle got broke would his wife go hoeing in the name of “he is not able to provide?”
have a nice day o

Yep. My family is the best. Men are responsible. I can’t apologize. Well my own is that I have everything and I paid cash for it. I don’t drive car hire or public transportation. I live in an affluent neighborhood and not by paying rent. I was just trying to tell you that women with money are waking up to the fact that boys like you who want your wife to build you after carrying pregnancy for you and building your lineage.

How do you feel when you acknowledge in public that you cannot make it on your own without women helping you. Don’t you feel inadequate when you see other men making it big, while you are insulting women online for not helping you to make it in life.

Its exhausting to argue with someone who does not even obey the Bible and who understands the role of women in marriage but because masculinity imekushinda you now want to blame women for not building you bcz you are not a self made man.

The fact is that your mother is the old, lazy hoe. That’s why you are the way you are, she was busy fucking and sucking to build your father and that’s why you don’t understand manhood. You grew up seeing your mother hoeing to provide for you. That’s why when you hear a woman say she will not provide for men, it makes you bitter bcz it’s the truth. Let me and others with like minded women build ourselves and enjoy life with no burden of men who are entitled and waiting for women to build them. Do you think you came on earth to piggy back on women’s back? Yes I am old and yes I am accustomed to a certain lifestyle, if you as a man have nothing better to offer me than saying a woman should be your servant, mine is kukula Mali yangu pole pole without a brokeass boy demanding that I build him. Staki ufukara and effeminate boys in my vicinity wa kunirudisha nyuma. Now on that note I am blocking you bcz of using vulgar language bcz you can’t defend your point intelligently like someone who went to school. Goodbye.

:D:Dyes your family is the best
Your men are responsible they don’t have a problem providing for whores

You are in agreement you are a whore so you don’t have to explain your lifestyle with your affluent pussy

Point to note the only time a man needs help from a hoe is when he wants to nut

if you’re not a responsible humble woman kazi nikupayuka… to a man your just a nut basin a rather old one for that matter I pity the generation you will bear
Some will prevail but with mockery as you
Force your daughters on old ugly rich fuckers sitting lazily waiting for your cut lazy old pimp…

ati you exhausted
why complain about exhaustion and you have been in this business for years
You been traumatizing your pussy with old rich ugly dicks na umechoka?
Don’t blame men for what they haven’t offered you what kind of man can accepts a woman’s money especially from a a hoe?

What men offer?..what have you offered? a wide set of vagina that whistles when you’re naked? Sagging tits? Dentures with Joko wa Komodo feet? By kukula Mali Pole pole I assume you’re talking about dikcs?

you do you
but usjidanganye mko wengi
If you are the definition of intelligent then your generation is evolving backwards to homo erectus with wide set vaginas and small diks.

You can block me but can’t block the hoeism in you:D