To no one

I intend to irritate a number of dickheads here but it’s a dirty job and someone has to do it.

I can barely recall my class 4 GHC {thefukissocialstudies} teacher, he liked to drape hisself in black and spoke with authority. One rusty afternoon lesson he asked of us to geographically consider the tale of Moses and his magical wand~staff. With regard to the bit the exhile Egyptian Prince parts the Red Sea with his staff ‘giggity’ for the chosen race.

He explained the topography of the ocean bed, that while the sea was parted the ground was not an overpriced poorly done local gvt contract built roads we all know. Obviously the Israelites did not just stride across.

I understood logic is the path I ought to pursue and more importantly nature isn’t subject to our whims, nor will it ever be.

Fast forward to 2019 in a single piece bikini looking country called Kenya, overgrown with weed but with rich soil where the educated and the ignorant are in a row over what they seldom perceive.

We are arguing whether it’s human to eject settlers from Mau forest, how high do you have to be to falsely assume your needs outweigh the multitudes.

I have my own illogical views as was the late great albeit ruthless former head of state Robert Gabriel Mugabe, but when it comes to the ecosystem tuache bangi.

Let’s agree to frustrate each other till the coming of the jew nailed on a stick, but we cannot argue over nature. We cannot argue on the validity of evicting man kind and his limited imagination from a productive forest.

Tembea Nani

Watolewe. Rest of us didn’t invade the forests. We didn’t set domicile at Karura Forest. Rules are rules. We must all obey.

Watolewe. That mau is life line to everyone

This is a revenge to the 1989 evictions from Mt Kenya forest,

Mtoto akililia wembe mpe.

Wacha wakae. Let them find out first hand the real value of a water tower to a country that still relies on rain fed agriculture in the 21st century.

Didn’t the current Energy CS tell them that rain comes from the sky and has nothing to do with trees?:smiley:

Same applies to Marsabit Forest whose destruction will almost certainly spark water based conflict til eternity.

Apana, hio khasia yote ing’olewe kutoka huko warudi makwao

You are very stupid!