Wheat Imports to Kenya.

I get your point and it’s valid. I had a chance to discuss with a guy who worked there. He told me the yield of the kennel is about 30 to 36% considering moisture loss and the shell. This year the price at farms was shs85 and it soon dropped to shs60

Was wondering how long it would be before someone blames evil white men:D

IMF SAPs came to Kenya for the simple reason that Moi bankrupted the country. The whites didn’t tell Moi to loot the place dry FYI.

How is the Judiciary pro-corruption?

Kenya Railways was finished in the 80s and 90s after Moi appointed cronies stole everything that wasn’t nailed down.

Briefly revived under Kibaki, its now finished under Moi’s political god son with his SGR delusions.

On this thread they’re saying you’re the dumb one so you calling me dumb is like a tantrum from a little baby. Go to the corner and suck on your thumb

bandwagon fallacy. go to back to critical thinking school “BOY”!

Not bandwagon I too really believe you’re dumb.

Shiiiiieeeeeee… Kulikua kubaya ivi this Corona year? Henyway sector zote were hit pretty bad probably this one wouldn’t have been an exception

Tuko pambaya waisee

Yeap. Those who sold early were lucky

Hi Wong, kwani you are in nuts business (forgive the pun). Wueh, ati mpaka cake ya gombe!