Kayole! Kumenuka!

Nimeelewa, Na vijana wa Gaza hawakosi kwa hiyo mix

Hahahhahha… below the belt but spot on…

please remember this comment the next time you feel the need to declare your political (and, tribal) affiliation … those of us who are prime victims, regardless of whichever outcome will thank you

same goes for those who create secondary handle(s) that show their actual hatred for people they do not even know

Pole. You are a victim of current or past PEV?

all + more

Really. You of course must have a comment or post at hand, yes?

your comment history

Wakwanire mna omosbati omong’aini

Nothing yet ?

Hii story hunikera

Yeah, my point exactly. Tribal enclaves.

wachaneni na watu wanyoroshane mapema wamalize we move on

Do you have any idea what message I was passing Leonard? Was telling her she talked well. Step on clutch before you engage gear


All of you need to check your comment and thread history for ONLY one month. It’ll tell you more about yourself than an external source ever will.

Maybe you need to practice what you CLAIM to preach.

But still no comment or post to back that. Clearly just an assumption. I must be for A or B, period ? That’s what ails Kenya.

Yeah, I guess so. You’re right.

I’m probably just picking on you.

Kenya is ok.

Hii ni gari ya Besigye

The sarcasm is not lost